Black-and-white film processing… SOON!

Hey Film Fanatics,

Kentucky Darkroom will soon be offering black-and-white film processing.   The drop box will be on the lower level of the building our darkroom is in, 2387 Professional Heights Dr.  You’ll be able to go to the drop box, get an envelope that has the order form in it, complete the form, put it in the envelope along with the film, and drop it in the box.

We will process your film and if you want, scan the negatives.   We can even submit the scans to Murphys for printing for you to pick up in three days or so*.   If you want, we can mail you the negatives and put the scans up on and email you a link to the zip file with your scans.

Watch here for the announcement.  The black-and-white film processing will be within two weeks.




*You pay Murphy’s directly for the prints.