New Toy, Calumet C2 Roll Film Back

New Toy, Calumet C2 Roll Film Back


We just bought a Calumet C2 Roll Film back for the Calumet 4×5 C400 large format view camera. This uses 120 film, so basically, we’re using a crop sensor!  Right? (a bit of a joke there, large format camera shooting medium format film… Ha!)

It will take 10 shots on a standard roll of 120, so we will try it out sometime after it comes in… oh, lemme check the porch…
                                                                                      …drat, no same-day delivery.


Of course, we can process B&W 120 here at Kentucky Darkroom, so I bet there will be a lot of foolin’ around goin’ on when it comes in!


Um, who wants to play?

New (to us) Enlarger

New (to us) Enlarger

Last week I ventured up into deepest Hoosier territory and picked up a Beseler 23c with Condenser Color Head. Now I don’t know how to use it yet, but with some help from Jeff Botts and YouTube I hope to figure it out. We will also offer color film developing chemistry fairly quickly!


Lookin forward to learning how to do color printing!!